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Cin7 Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Cin7 implementing a new Cin7 Help Center?

To provide a consistent experience for customers on Cin7’s platform products with a depth and breadth of educational material and timely support.

Benefits will include access to support from inside the Cin7 Omni and Core products, improved searching and chat functionality, a more intuitive Help Center user experience, and an improved Community Forum.

When will this change take place?

The new Cin7 Help Center (powered by Zendesk) will launch May 12 (US) and The Community updates will happen around May 19.

How do I access the new Cin7 Help Center?

Customers will continue to access the Help Center from the Cin7 website and in-product chat. The Help Centers will be visible by the public, so you don't need to login unless you are creating a ticket.

What happens to my active support cases?

All active cases will be migrated to the new Cin7 Help Center. Customers will receive an email from our new Help Center asking them to correspond with the new email instead of the old one. This is to ensure seamless continued communication about their support tickets.